How to Get Your Meds

Monday, 25 March 2024

Remember the good old days when getting your prescription meant getting a hand signed piece of paper from your doctor, bringing it to us, and hanging around waiting while we lovingly prepared it for you? Well, COVID-19 has accelerated a paperless change and tossed all that out the window. Now, all things prescription have gone digital - emails, private direct to pharmacy inboxes (which kinda works ‘most’ of the time), and as a result our printer is going full noise, spitting out scripts “willy nilly” faster than we can say “paracetamol”.

As with any change, this new way of doing things has been a bit of a rollercoaster. You show up to the pharmacy thinking your meds are ready because the medical centre has texted you, informing you that they have sent through a script to us and...oops, we haven’t even seen it yet. It’s not that we’re slacking; it’s just that our old system is wheezing and panting to keep up with the flood of scripts.

We totally get it - this is super annoying for you. And believe me, it’s driving us up the wall, too!

So, What’s the Game Plan?

We’re shaking things up to get back on track. The big promise? We'll let you know via text message the moment your prescription is ready to collect. But we’ve gotta ask for a tiny favour: if your prescription is for your regular meds and you have enough to keep you going for a day or two, do you mind waiting until we reach out to you before coming in? This little adjustment on your end could really help us manage the craziness and make sure those who need their meds ASAP get them, well, as soon as possible.

Another helpful service we offer is that we will text you when it’s time for your repeats. No more mental gymnastics trying to remember when to reorder. Your repeat meds will be ready for pickup the Monday after you get our text. How good is that? Just make sure we have your mobile number, so you can be part of this super handy service.

One last thing that would be super helpful for us is: before you give us a ring, take a quick peek at our website or our social media posts. Chances are, the info you need is right there. We love chatting with you, but saving a bit of time on calls means we can focus more on getting your meds sorted faster.

We’re all about keeping you guys healthy and happy, and we’re slowly evolving our pharmacy to be the best fit for the times - thanks for your patience as we figure out the best way to juggle everything. With a bit of teamwork between us, we’ll make sure you get what you need, when you need it! 

Till next month!

Andy and the Roslyn Pharmacy team