Your Health is a Team Sport

Monday, 27 November 2023

Who is over all the cliché sport analogies for absolutely everything? Not this writer!

So as long as we do NOT talk about TMOs (I’m not emotionally mature enough to have a rational discussion about Rugby yet): I LOVE a good a sports analogy!  Because in the mind of this writer, dear reader, when it comes to your most important asset, your health, whether you win or lose in the game of health is based on a number of factors.


First of all you need… YOU.

A world class athlete doesn’t "kinda" want to be good at a sport. They have a burning goal to become world class, and put habits in place to do their best to achieve that goal.  And that’s why we need you to give a shit about your health. We need you to 100% commit to looking after yourself, and want to become the best version of you.  Successful investor Warren Buffett once told a story about a genie that offered you any car that you desire, but there was one catch - it would be the only car that you would ever have.   How would you look after that car?


Ok, so you’re keen, what’s next?

You need a coach to take your health to the next level; to maximise your health to its utmost potential. Gone are the days of one coach though. You need a team of coaches! In health, let's call the head coach your Doctor or GP. And the assistant coach? Let's call them... your Pharmacist!


How important is your coaching team? 

Let’s use the All Blacks (grits teeth…) as an example. Under Ian Foster in 2022, our All Blacks lost game after game, falling to Ireland in a series for the first time, losing to Argentina for the first time. Despite the head coach's best efforts, the team didn’t perform. A change of the assistant coach later... well, he restored mana to the jersey, (takes a deep breath…) beating the Irish hoodoo in the quarters, enacting revenge on the pumas in the Semis. Followed by despair and heartbreak in the final due to some all time tomfoolery by… wait - I'm not going to talk about it! You very nearly had me there! (Sobs tearfully...) In sum: The All Blacks' change around was a direct result from having better assistant coaches.

So if we were to extrapolate this analogy then, clearly and without a shadow of a doubt, your success in your own health is greatly influenced by how good your Pharmacist is.


How do you choose a Pharmacy? 

Well, most importantly, and I feel strongly about this, Dan Carter should not influence your decision making on this! You wouldn’t trust a Pharmacist to kick a penalty to win us a World Cup. So why would you trust an All Black when it comes to health advice?

You should choose a Pharmacy that is as unique as you are: 1 of 1. Not a cookie cutter, sterile corporate chain that measures businessy KPIs. A pharmacy that only measures its success by the success of its patients and its community.  Let me ever so humbly present to you: Roslyn Pharmacy. We aren’t interested in a transactional relationship. We are here long term; building healthy relationships with the people, and with other health professionals. One thing that I’ve learnt in over 20 years of being a primary health care professional: true, authentic care for patients is not scalable. You can’t put that in standard operating procedure.  And as the owner of Roslyn Pharmacy, I promise you are getting experienced, quality Pharmacists and Staff that provide the very best service in Pharmacy. Achieve the very best for your own and your family’s health, with great Pharmacists supporting you at every step.

Let's go and get it!!!