
Our aim here at Roslyn Pharmacy is to be the hub of community. So essentially, we stock everything you need for health related issues, from things like head lice to skin problems to cough and cold, and beyond. We will not only help you fix the problem. We like to provide you with a long-term, total solution. So we’ll encourage you to make lifestyle changes and offer you guidance and support along the way. This is what our reputation is made of. We have been part of the community for over 125 years, and we will be here as your first point of contact, and the hub of community health.

We are local people giving you tailored, qualified one-on-one health advice – not just a blog or website.


First Aid

We love for you to get out and active, and a side effect of that can be bumps and bruises and cuts and sprains and strains. So we do have a wide range of products which can help. Starting with your standard plasters, and on to more specialised products which are waterproof and breathable, and stay on your skin. Creams that prevent infections, or help with bites and stings. There are arnica creams, and we also have a range of sports wraps and mouth guards. Basically, you’ll find everything you need to get better and get going again.

We always have trained staff who are able to provide first aid and have undergone additional training to make sure your bumps and bruises are well taken care of and heal properly.


Pain Relief

We have got a wide range of over-the-counter and pharmacist-only pain relief for children, adults and elderly to get you going again. Pain relief is an important product range for us. To choose the right pain relief for you, we need to understand your health background, and know about any medication you are already taking. Some pain relief, like Paracetamol, should not be taken in larger amounts or for a longer time to avoid harming your liver. If you require stronger, pharmacist-only pain relief, you’ll need to have a short one-on-one consultation with one of our pharmacists.

In any case, have a chat with us and we’ll make sure you choose the pain relief that’s right for you. If you self-select your pain relief, quite often you aren’t choosing the ideal product. Why go through that if you can get a product that is personalised and you know will work best for you?


Mother & Baby

Here at Roslyn Pharmacy, we stock a range of specific products for mums and bubs. You are not given an instruction manual when you have a baby, but a lot of our staff have kids of various sizes and ages themselves. So you can take advantage of our experience if you need help with your little one’s nappy rash, colic or teeth pains.

As you parents, especially with your first child, things like baby's constipation can get overwhelming quickly. We do stock products that help relieve constipation in babies. So whatever your concerns are, come in for a chat, and we will have the right information and the right products for you.

In addition to baby products, we also stock a range of baby gifts, including Sophie the Giraffe and her friends. And we can’t forget about mum either, so you’ll find many helpful products like lanolin creams etc.

We are a brestfeeding friendly pharmacy, so if you're in the area and need a place to sit and feed your baby, just pop in.


Cough & Cold

Finding help to get rid of coughs and colds is one of the classic reasons for people to go to the pharmacy. In addition to a large over-the-counter range, we stock pharmacist-only medication for coughs and colds. These products are stronger and will give you faster relief. For example, the day and night type products will ensure you get a good night’s sleep, which allows your body to heal. We do need to have a quick one-on-one chat with you to make sure they don’t interfere with any other medication you might be taking.

We also like to recommend natural health products for prevention, so you can avoid getting sick in the first place. No matter what your symptoms are: come in, talk to us, and you’ll leave with your symptoms alleviated, and with a plan to speed up your recovery so you’re back on your feet faster.


Compression Stockings

We stock compression stockings by Venosan, which are medical grade and designed to help improve circulation, reduce swelling, and alleviate leg fatigue. The flexible fabric offers graduated compression, providing the perfect amount of support for your legs. We order the stockings in for your specific requirements and have staff who are trained to measure the stockings for you to ensure you get just the right fit. Measurements are best carried out first thing in the morning and can be carried out in your home. Chat to us to discuss your needs.


Blood Pressure Checks

Regular blood pressure checks are a simple yet essential part of taking care of your health. High blood pressure can lead to serious health issues, including stroke and heart disease. For this reason, staying on top of your blood pressure can help you identify potential issues early on, and take the necessary steps to keep your levels in check. Blood pressure checks are quick and painless, and can play a crucial role in keeping you healthy.  Carried out in the privacy of one of our consultation rooms, why not talk to our friendly staff about checking your blood pressure next time you're in?

Here at Roslyn Pharmacy, we are real pharmacists with lots of experience, and we are always happy to talk to you in person.

The Dispensary

Discuss your health concerns with one of our Accredited Pharmacists in one of our private consultation rooms.

Pharmacist Consultations

“Look good and feel great” is part of our ethos here at Roslyn Pharmacy.

Beauty & Skin Care